CHRISTMAS.. today wake up at 12pm..i can't really feel that today is boring..i play neopet until 4pm den go get change for work..i haven't eat my dinner hungry..but i have prepared some biscuits..haha..later i still got Maggie eat..eddy cook..nice..partly because I'm hungry..there's not much people today so we finished our work to go back home at 10.30pm..went back home,cheeyeh use com until 1.30am then my turn..i go online then got a little bit unhappy because of something..i have my reasons for my own doings and i didn't take you for granted..i swear..if it affects you then I'm really very sorry..
Christmas eve(: today although is Christmas eve,i don't really have the mood..last time i will be very excited but now? 12pm,i work at p.s's terrpanyaki..i don't really like the work there..can't get use to it..i even broke bowls and plates just because i want to save the plastic bowls of the miso scary..i was shocked at that time..even cried out..i really don't what to do..but the people there were all very caring..everyone said that it's okay and u are not the first one to broke things..there were two other service is Chai Ying and one is Irene..Irene looks so familiar..later talk to her then i know that she was actually from my primary school..such a coincidence..
at 5p.m,i went back to atrium clock out for break..then at 6p.m,start work legs were swollen..after my work,cheehuan and jinwoon come and find me..they want me to join them..later they say they want watch "i am legend" but i don't one..i promise him that i will go back home after work..they later go buy three tickets..i was trying to tell him that can i go watch but his same answer was we sat outside calling people..see who's going to watch that the end,i say just waste that ticket..i pay for it..went back home after that..saw my daddy and aunt they all playing majong then i go watch er zuo ju er wen and dou niu yao bu yao..later,i went to bed..
Sunday, December 23, 2007
an lol day(: today,Jerry(should i call him a dish washer?never mind) never another part timer came to work..he's an Indian..he wash things really very slow..the washing station was like flood with many used plates and bowls..we even ran out of spoons..Ryan and i had to wash it for him when we need the spoons..when it comes to closing,everyone in the kitchen was like helping him out..busy washing and washing..finally come to an end at 11pm..if he's going to wash alone,i don't know what time will he then finish washing really very funny..haha..
a speechless day): today,i start work at all the opening stuff and top up the drinks..the drinks so heavy..need top up by 11.30am,we start servicing..11.30am was actually the eat-all-you-want got a lot of teenagers came one group had a reservation..18 people..they were just so troublesome..keep changing the flavours of the mochi ice-cream..waste my time..arrgh..i'm just so fed up..later,i went for a break they continue work again..i can only feel that the pressure on my feet was increasing..soon,the time to go back home was getting nearer..then saw the new schedule was up..went to take a look..notice that i had to work on Christmas eve and on Christmas..very sad..think this Christmas can't go out..later max came to ask me and asked me whether do i want to work more hours..and i said okay..he then arrange me to work at terrpanyaki on Mon,Fri and Sat..12pm-5pm..hais..don't really wish to work choice..i said okay in the first place..if this week still can't familiarise with the new environment,next time if he ask me go there again,i will reject him..
Saturday, December 22, 2007
a restless day): today don't really feel like working at all..I'm just so tired..although today only work from 6-11,really very restless..tomorrow still need work from,i don't even have the energy to type long entries..tired*
Friday, December 21, 2007
a boring day): there's nothing special..purely going for work and finishing my work..went back home after that..
Thursday, December 20, 2007
a tiring day.. work since 12.30pm..only got to have a rest still need do closing..and even the closing time also push backwards till 11pm..really very tired..i don't even feel like smiling when i see customer coming in..lucky tomorrow work at 6pm..still got time to rest..
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
a fully occupied day(: i was suppose to meet meiyun at 11am..standard..i was late..we went big book shop for the decorations for the present and also write card..having fun writing..haha..later,shilin called then we went down..we(meiyun,shilin,siewhong,Mr tan and me) were meeting up at clementi's pizza hut for is Mr Tan's treat..this treat,we have been waited since the start of our prelims..he promise us this treat because of something related to the Chinatown heritage challenge..during this lunch,we were talking about ourselves..mostly talking about our working life..siewhong and Mr tan were the quietest..nothing to talk about..ya..took a photo of meiyun's and my name tag..lols..random(:
OH..and we play guess fingers game too..the person who lose,gets to eat the super hot and cheesy slice of pizza..the main thing was that this was made by me..i pour lots of chilli powder on that slice because i thought that the possibility of losing will be very don't mind sabo'ing others..soon,the game starts..shilin was the 1st to be save..then later was Mr was left me and the end,i still meiyun said "things come around go around" got to eat it..but in the end,siewhong and meiyun help me eat a little..i eat it till my tears come me,it was really very hot since i have not been eating chilli for a quite while..we leave pizza hut at about 2pm..went out of pizza hut,saw a game..then Mr Tan go funny..he said that this game is related to possibility(once again)..he almost got the major price..PSP lehs..he played twice then we leave..then meiyun and i went to JP to catch a movie..the rest went back home..
meiyun and my name tag the remaining ingredients
super hot slice of pizza..can see the red red patch..all chilli powder..
reach JP at 2.15pm..went to GV buy movie tickets..we are going to watch "ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS"..the tickets are selling fast bud luckily we still manage to get two tickets..the movie starts at 2.40pm so we still got a little bit of time and we went to the arcade to play basketball..meiyun and i tag team..our highest score today was 2.40 we went in..then got commercial..saw Jay Chou's new movie "KONG FU DUNK" coming out in excited..later,the movie starts..throughout the movie,there was lots and lots of laughter..the CHIPMUNKS WERE REALLY CUTE (especially Theodore)..
in the dark..
finishing watching the movie,meiyun and i go shop shop..went into a japanese shop then saw a fake small Christmas tree..the decorations were all related to cuteeee..later,we go take MRT..meiyun want to go home and i need go meet my mummy to tiong bahru RC for a interview..saw a white dog sticking it's head out of the window on our way to RC (although i don't really like dogs,this was cute)..for the interview,it lasted for about lame and boring..that person only said something about our results..she said that i need to teach my sisters..hais..mafan..i don't have much patience when it comes to both my sisters..they are hard to teach..
doraemon so cute
doraemon Christmas tree
car doggie
went back home after the "er zuo ju 2wen" nice..the couple finish then start I'm coming till the end..niites niites(:
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
meiyun and miie
choco and biscuit
2 cheap skate clothes i have bought(:
gift for Mr Tan
an enjoying day(: at 12.30pm,i went to vivo city with my buddy,meiyun..we went to vivo is because we wanted to buy something for Mr tan..partly is because of tomorrow (want to know?don't tell you..haha) ..the main purpose for this gift is because we wanted to thank him VERY VERY VERY MUCH for his guidance on our maths..he is really a great teacher..he not only was our teacher in school,he was also a good friend to matter what happen to us,he will always be there (sometimes quite KPO) ..really very grateful to him..we bought a box of chocolate for him at Candy Empire..then meiyun and i also did buy some things for ourselves..went to Long John Sliver for lunch about 4pm,we went to work..
i reach my work place at about 4.15pm..but I'm working at it's like so damn early..i went plaza sing shop shop..bought 2 cheap skate sleeveless shirt at $10( i only buy cheap stuff(: )back to my work place to eat the chocolate and biscuit..i did share with the kitchen people and the service not that busy..having a great time there talking and playing with Karen and Sheema..oh,and Ryan too..Karen and i were the craziest of all..we keep laughing and everyone end the work at 10pm..when we are going to punch our card,Michelle came in in a rush saying that Betty has come..everyone was like so shock..because it is so late and we have nothing to do..only waiting for the time to reach 10pm..scared gana scolding..luckily nothing happen..
Monday, December 17, 2007
a moody day): today's work was just so tiring..furthermore,i haven't eat my lunch and hungry..everything was like so damn irritating..lucky get to go back early..i reach home at 10.30 then go hate to see such stupid tag(don't understand,go see my tag board)..that person must be very childish..i have never admitted that I'm poor..just apply for the financial assistance because my family got a lot of people so need some extra bird nest also got wrong..can't we eat the cheap one..and bird nest don't cost much..$90 can let 15person eat..most importantly,can't this bird nest main purpose was for my grandparents then we were having the remaining portions..can this immature person stop looking at one time to entertain or explain to you..i rather go do something else..BYE BYE!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
a gambling day(: today is a Saturday and my aunts are coming to my 2plus,i played majong with them and i won $ 5pm,my uncle drive me to work cos I'm going to be keep raining..hope when it's Christmas,it won't rain..if not it's like affecting everybody's mood..i started work at 10.15pm,we have finished everything..and ziyang's sweet girlfriend and been waiting for him for don't know how 10.30pm,we punch card and then went back home..
i reach home about 11pm then saw my daddy playing majong with my aunt they all..later my daddy let me play..i won $10 after the entire game..but when calculate together with my daddy's money,we still lose $ daddy pay for that(: haha..
when going to bed,my mummy gave me bird nest..once again a bird nest..MY FAVOURITE..went to bed at and him still haven't talk yet..think this cold war will not end so soon..
bird nest once again(:
Saturday, December 15, 2007
a so damn tired day): today i work from 1pm-10.30pm..sooooooooo tired..going to faint soon..however,work was fun because everyone was just so funny..we were like talking to one another when we got time..sometimes we can even talk till we didn't saw our ARM,Max was looking at us..he would give a very weird face(a bit gay..haha) whenever we don't do our Eugene said a lame thing to shoot all with ziyang always likes to hold on to a tray wherever he goes..Eugene then took one tray and said to all.."hey,join our tray gang!"..making ziyang so Karen never work with us..she went to another outlet at p.s..sad!
oh ya..i have just receive my name tag more "I'm new!please pardon me"..haha..but this name tag looks a bit is because every one's name tag says they are service crews but for me,it says I'm a packer..and you know,packer sounds like makes me so paiseh..
for me and him,we quarrel once again..really very tired of it..and i think we are just so childish and stupid..
Thursday, December 13, 2007
a very busy day): today's work was just so tiring..there's like so many people..i was so tired and sleepy..really very weak..and the tables were like never empty..i have to keep serving,keep cleaning,keep serving..finally last till the only me and Ivan doing the closing thing..we manage to finish everything at 10.10pm (fast)..we spent the rest of the time i then get to know that Ivan is actually a uni student..he's studying buildings at pro..and i even know that his o's L1R5 was 13..that was like so clever..don't know whether can i score that..pass also got a big problem..hais..stress..
a quite busy day): today i'm suppose to meet meiyun to go damai see the b'div play..but i forgot to set my alarm..we meet 7.45am at bedok..and i woke up at's like so damn late liao..don't know she waited for me how sorry meiyun..
since didn't go damai,so i stay at home wait for the time to pass till my working i work at's crowd is much more than the monday one..a lot of people and everyone just felt so tired and's closing were done by karen,sheema and me..three girls(: ..we finishes everything at we have 20minutes more before clocking out..between that time,we go get change and then talk for awhile..slacking..
reach home at 11pm and cheeyeh is using the computer so i didn't get to post nw(:
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
so beautiful..hope to be like that!!
this is mine..
our CHEAPSKATE watches(:
a relaxing day(: today is my off no need to work..happy..wake up at 9am..only slept for two and a half tired..faster wake up go shower then take MRT to bedok..waited for meiyun and then take bus 66 to damai..before we go take bus,we bought two 100plus for them..when we reach there,we only get to see two matches..
about their game,i feel that the c'div have improved a lot but they still tend to make little mistakes which can cause very big trouble..overall,they played quite well today especially intercepted many balls..good GD..
after their match,meiyun and i went to the interchange there eat then went bugis together..actually I'm suppose to meet him today but he didn't reply my msg so i dun care him..I'm at bugis really very sway..keep raining..but lucky meiyun got umbrella..we went bugis street buy watch..very cheapskate..$7 only..haha..we bought it for work..
at about 6pm,we went home..
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
we ate i in the kitchen because we can't let people walking outside saw us eating.. we bought and ate this ice-cream(:
a NORMAL day(: today was very very normal..i went to work at 6pm,knock off at nothing much happen except that Mia,Sheema and i had shared money buying ice-cream..we were the three person that were doing closing pathetic..three girls..but fun..hahahax..
after my work,i went home..shower and all other stuff then go watch hong kong show..i can't imagine that i actually watch till 6.30am the next morning..after that,i went for a short nap..later still need go see c'div play game at damai sec..
Sunday, December 9, 2007
a boring day): today so boring..before work,i went taisan eat with him..finish eating then accompany him go cut his hair..after that then we went home..
when i reach home,i pack my stuff and get ready for work..since today is a Sunday,i have expected a lot of people to come..but in the end,today turn out to be a very slack it's really very boring..and today i have done a very stupid thing and that was that I'm slowing down everything just to let me end my work at 10.30pm..people hope to go back early but for me,I'm different..haha..
after everything,i get to leave 10mins earlier because my assistant manager got something on..good week's schedule is out and i got one day off and it's on Tuesday.. the rest i not very sure yet..
Saturday, December 8, 2007
my SURPRISING "bee hoon"
ear-rings.. the pouch we bought..the small one is mine..
a normal day(: today i went to plaza singapura with cheehuan,cheeyeh and jinwoon..we go there walk walk..I'm also waiting for time to pass to go for and cheehuan bought pouch and ear-rings..we share share about 5.30pm,i go get change for work..
throughout the day,it was very fun..there's laughter everywhere..for Michelle,she keep singing the enchanted song to attract for sheema,she is totally crazy..then Karen was that the customer ordered a lemon lime drink from her and you know what ahe heard,she heard "level nine" lols lorhs..when i help her serve the drink,i was laughing like we were all very slack..all we do today was talk,laugh and get crazy..i ended work at up my ezlink card and wait for bus back home..
and today was a surprising day to me because he bought food for me and deliver to my hse there..1st time lehs..everytime i'm the one who help him buy and deliver the food..happy(:
2 concert tickets(:
a very tiring day): today I'm working from 1pm-10pm..had a break for an hour..but still damn tired..furthermore,there were lots and lots of people coming in..even the seats outside were also legs were numb..can't imagine that i still can walk properly..lols..
there's a girl joining us also..she did work before but because she need study so never work for a short period of time and now it's her holiday, so she is back to work again..
after work,i went back home..shower then meet him..we sit at 145 there...not long later,saw my dad and two friends coming out..and our 1st reaction was to hide(: ..i hide behind a wall..and a group of people were walking towards me and i thought it's my the end it came out to be somebody else..they was looking at me malu..saw my "real" dad going to143..lols..
when this hide and seek ends,we started our conversation..he said that he took theJay Chou's concerts tickets's $110 per ticket..and it's not even the best the best seats will be evenexpensivethan this one..can see that his very excited..oh ya! he paid for both the tickets..haha..i no need pay(: ..main thing..he's rich,verbally rich..not the realistic ones..kekes^^
reach home at 2plus..midnight..reach home,i got birdnest to drink..1 small bowl..very sweet very nice..I LOVE IT..
Thursday, December 6, 2007
seeing ah zhao on the bed so "xin ku"..really make me very sad..get well soon zhao!
a heart aching day): today i went to SGH TO see my cousin,ah zhao..she just had an operation on her mouth two days ago..when i first see her,i really couldn't recognise her at all..her face was very swollen..and she could hardly talk..all she could do was to communicate with us using paper and pathetic..and she also can't eat at all..even if she wanted to drink,she have to spray the water into her mouth..finishing drinking,she had to rinse her mouth..seeing her suffering,my heart really hurts..really hope she can recover real soon..
at about 5p.m,i went to work..taking a free shuttle bus to Chinatown then change bus..reach there almost late's work is as usual..nothing special..just that i get to know another person named Ivan..he seems quite old to me..around 20plus..i ended my work at 10p.m..actually for today,I'm working till 10.30p.m but finish every before time..hais..if leave at 10p.m,i earn half an hour lesser..sians..tommorow I'm work from need do closing(: yippie..can go back early..oh ya!meeting him too but don't know where will we be going..
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
it's raining very heavily..
an irritating stupid day): today was raining very took me a very long time to reach the bus stop..since it's raining,my mum was being forced to send my dad and i to the bus stop because none of us are willing to bring the umbrella out ( we are father and daughter so same same(: )..i have been waiting for my 124 since only came at I'm going to be late..rush rush rush..
when i reach my work place after changing my top was about 5.57p.m..faster punch my card and change my shoes..lucky didn't get scolding from any first there's not much people..but when it's nearing dinner time,there's a continuously crowd..really very busy..on my way to work,i was still thinking that today will be the slackest day because it's raining and no one will come to sakae sushi to's situation really shocked me..
for today's closing will be me and sheema doing..we were like damn tired..don't even have a few minutes to catch our breath..i think today is what we normally will come across when it's Friday,Saturday or Sunday..WEDNESDAY IS NEVER LIKE THAT..i really hope tomorrow won't be that tired..i wish,i wish,i wish..
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
this is the badge that i have recevied..quite weird choice..have to wear..
fun day): today everything remains the same..expect that today is more interesting because all service crews are the young ones and we are sort of enjoying got shima,James,Eugene,zi yang and me (not counting Mia and Max)..don't really feel that I'm working..we looks more like having a party..
when i first start work at 6p.m,there is not even a single all of us were like slack slack slack..then later Mia appointed work for us to do and I'm cleaning all the fake's really very very very dirty don't know how many years never clean..later zi yang come help me also and he's talking about the story of "Cinderella"..he said that because our situation is very similar to that..both of us are like the Cinderellas (got two of us so got "s" behind) then Mia is the step-mother making us the Cinderellas to do work..for the evil step-sisters,they are shima and James cause they got nothing to do..the best is Eugene..he don't even need to fake fake that he got something to do or what..he just stand down there looking at us right?hahha..
when it's about 7p.m,got mosquito fly in..then Mia say we can stop doing and help out inside..chit chatting still continues(: today also receive a badge..only i need to wear because I'm new..the badge says "I'M NEW! Please pardon me"..i also don't what to say..quite weird indeed..we also need to learn to promote a voucher's for people to buy the voucher then got some additional voucher for free..there's two is the classic and another is the elite..the classic is $180 and the elite is $350..i think this is for the rich people..i don't think young people can afford such amount..
for closing time,everything had been done before 10.30p.m so everyone can leave early..when I'm on my way to the bus stop,i saw the campus superstar's guohao (queensway) and Agnes (yishun zhong zheng) together..i think they are couple because i saw the guohao placing his hands over agnes shoulder..they are with a group of friends..mostly queensway's so late and they are still hanging around at plaza sing there..don't really look like what they will surprised..
i took 124 to the bus stop before his's..we are meeting for dinner..eating at railway station..i ate as usual mee soto and he ate maggie goreng..finish eating i help my mummy "da bao"..on our way back,he keep making me angry..made me so fed up..i also got wrong because i don't want answer him..but in the end should be okay right now..tomorrow can be even better(:
a normal day(: at 5p.m i leave home for work..reach there about 6.40p.m..i go change then start work..overall today is a very very very tired day..and i have made a mistake during my taking of goes like this..I'm helping a couple to take their orders..then they say they wanted a fried tofu,tuna mayo inari,potato salad inari,salmon sashimi and a unagi kabayaki..& i have also repeated the orders to them and they say OK..but when the food is served,they say they wanted a unagi kabayaki bento set and not just the unagi kabayaki..means with rice..almost let my assistant manager scold..thank god..and for today only me n ah cheng auntie do the closing because Eugene never quite busy..when coming till the end,i clean the tables with lemon water,top up the side station and clean the belt..can't really imagine that only me and ah cheng auntie can finish our work before 10.30p.m..we even have time to chit chat..we were talking about ah hong auntie..she had stop working and none of us know the reasons for her to leave..all of us also feel that ah hong auntie is really a very weird person..we said so because she's now 51 years old and she haven't got married..she seems so lonely and pathetic..think is lack of family warmth..i pity that she gone means more work for us to do..though she's not the very hard working type but still then she did make a difference..sort of missing her):
Monday, December 3, 2007
i took this at great world city's toilet..don't you find the girl i wanted to kiss is really cute?(:
this is a memorable is because this is the 1st NC16 show i have watch..happiie*
neh..this pic lorhs..don't reali look like my mum..opposite side some more..hahha..lols xD
that's my mum and dad..the pic on top of this is him tryin to be cute like my mum..
tuday also my offday(: so no need to work and my assistant manager also never call 6.15p.m,i meet him..we going vivo..planning to watch "THE TATTOOIST" but i forgot to bring my identity card..i need my identity card because this is a NC16 the 1st place i also don't know..i only know it when i come across a board near the ticket we miss the 7p.m show..sad..
so later we took a cab go back my house just to take the end we didn't watch the show at vivo city..we went to great world city instead..we reach there about 7p.m then go buy tickets for that's like damn early because the movie starts at there's really nothing for us to do & no where for us to walk..bored bored bored..later i'm getting hungry because i haven't eat my dinner yet so go mac that time,he look at my phone and saw my mum acting cute..or not really acting cute lahs cos my mum is indeed cute..OK,that's not the point..the point is that i took him with the same post and it doesn't look cute at look more to the funny side..haha..after eating,we still got about an hour plus..we go out walk walk & went back to mac phone games..lols..tis is the only way to let the time pass..
finally it's 9.10..can go in liao..before that we went to the toilet and i took a very lame after that is MOVIE TIME..
time passes..
this movie to me is quite scary..there's blood n many gross scenes (i don't mean pervert ones)..finish watching the movie is like about 11p.m..we took a cab back home..he paid for the fare cos I'm broke..he sent me home n I'm here posting this..lols..
Sunday, December 2, 2007
today no nid to offdae(: stay at home..actually gg out with him de but sort of quarrel den nv go out..later my aunts came to my hse..dey every saturdae confirm will come de..a fixed routine bahs..haha.. lata dey want miie tu play majong with i jus play lorhs..oso nth to do..nort long,my assistant manager called and ask miie whether can i go work anort n i stun for awhile den sae cannot..cos i playin half way mahs..i think saturday got a lot of people so they may need more people to help ouy bahs..if let my asssistant manager know that i wanna play majong n refused to go work,wad will he think and say huh?..i feel that tis sakae job is getting easier and 1st i thought i this time die liao cos i have never work as a service crew before and everything will not go out very smoothly..luckily,i now quite familiar with this job and can work for longer hours for some days..
creating a blog maybe is to replace my hand-written diary..
or maybe not a diary..
maybe to tell more about me and my life bahs..
can share my laughter or even vent my anger here..
♡ since 25 August (:
Ello ♥
Welcome to
That's Me, ﺕ
My parents name meTan Chee Chin. I came to this earth on15aug1991..My face can getRED easily, therefore some call me apple or even tomato. I'm now sweet 16 / fantastic 17 / mature 18and also attached to Johnson Lim (Johnson baby) since 04April2004. Currently still studying atSingapore poly, DCPE.
Grant me my wish Camera New Laptop Cue Watch Wallet Longer Hair Whiter Skin, Better Complextion GOOD results More Shoes More Tees & Dresses More Bags Jay Chou's Concert University