There's a terrible thing happen today which made me suffer alot..i was sort of burnt by the steam of the's damn painful..the wound was like so big..just like the size of my hand..the people working there was like use this use that..some say use mayonnaise,some say use soya sauce,some say use egg white,some use use running water and some say use ice pack..there was like so many ways the end,i almost use all methods..i stop work at 6.30pm and when back home to rest..i called him while waiting for use..he said that he would accompany me to the the end he cannot make it because he had to report..all because of the stupid JI in the end,i didn't went to see the doctor..I'm really very stupid..why would i be so KPO to open that boiler to check..if i never open it,this will never ever happen to me..i think i have to suffer for the rest of my 1 month..*torturing!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
today i told max that i wanted to quit..although it's hard to say it out..i don't really wish to quit but i have no other choices..partly because of the sashimi buffet that tempts me..lols..since staff are not suppose to eat at their own outlet(however,i did it a lot of times..haha..)..another reason of quitting is because i really feel that people there were irritating at times..for example,sheema being so lazy(just like a pest*cockroach)..Mia and Michelle does not looks like supervisor at all..Mia is bias then Michelle always order people to do things but in fact,she did nothing..lastly was max..i really can't understand why he plan such schedule..ever since May is back,my working hours become lesser and lesser..mostly my schedule was to work at 6-10.30..i really hate closing..especially closing with's tiring..and i really feel that they just treat me as a spare tire..when they needs me,my schedule was like so pack until i got sick..then now the schedule was like shit..things don't go out the way i thought it would quitting may be the best way out of all.. today is also the day of the appeal result..shilin msg me and ask how is the appeal..i also not very sure which course i was posted to..later on,meiyun called then i call back..she help me check the result..i was posted to singapore poly computer for meiyun,she was posted to the course at ngee ann poly mobile business solution that we both choose together..i was a little that moment i really feel like going back to double a girl to go into a engineering course was like so impossible..i really don't know whether I'm able to survive in there..all my bestiies went to ngee ann poly..although they are in the different course,at least they are still for me,i still can't find someone that is able to be with me..i really scared..
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
my offday(: i waited for him..then we went to watch L's movie at great world..that show was nice but a little lame(: no matter what,i still manage to go out with him..ohh..and he's sick hope that he can get well soon..
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
today,i have lots of programme..and the time i have was like so not in the end i end up not going to work(i told them that i'm sick..haha) my day was playing majong with him and yiklun(3people majong)..they come to my house and play..we play 2 rounds then they went back home and i won $12,he won $ for yiklun,he lose $ 8.45pm,we meet up and went to great world to watch "jumper"..the show was nice..very interesting..however,the ending was a little for mum,dad,cheehuan,cheeyeh and jinwoon,they went to watch "cj7" at vivocity..the funniest thing was that,my dad had never watch a movie in the cinema with my mum for 10 years(so the last time they watch is when i was 6..OMG)..i pity my mum..hahha..i reach home at 12am then went to bed at 3am..i had to work tomorrow at 6-10.30..hais..closing again..
OH..and i didn't went to JJ's concert today..3 of us were like so lazy..actually should have give it to somebody else but it's too late..nvm..wasted -_-"
Saturday, February 23, 2008
i went to work at 12..saw that cockroach in the toilet(dun know is it because i sway or what)..I'm actually starting work at the same time as usual..she was finding place to hide..the worst thing of all was that i even had to eat lunch with was very n out was all crowded..n I'm really very tired of this job..i feel that the people there were very scheming and schedule for next week SUCKS totally..every time put me 6-10.30..wasted of my time..i rather go shopping..and one more thing..I HATE CLOSING!! the cockroach actually work until 9.30 but max ask her to 1st i tot that finally i no need to see her for Mia,she side that cockroach..and it's very i today give a very black face..and this made many asking me the same question.."what happen to you?why u seems so angry?"..what i do was to ignore them..i hate this job..hope to change soon..i don't care whether you all really short of's all none of my business!! ( I'm bad(: )
ohh..1more thing..i saw the last year xiao yuan superstar today..the geradine..she came to sakae eat..she don't really look nice..soso lorhs..
Friday, February 22, 2008
another fed up day i don't wish to talk much.. i just feel that work was stupid and irritating.. work was making me crazy.. i feel like killing someone but i don't have the guts since she have strong mountains behind her.. ARRGHH.. IT'S UNFAIR!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
i bought these today(:
i ask for off today..i need to settle my appeal thing..i went to IMM with meiyun at about 12..then we went shopping till 2.30..soon after that,we took free shuttle bus to Clementi then took 154 to siewhong at the gate of np..actually can see siewhong dun really want to appeal lorhs..lols..meiyun have decided to put IT as her 1st and 2ND choice..then 3rd,she put mobile business solution..for me,i put np's business process and quality engineering as my 1st choice..2ND is the mobile business then 3rd i put sp's computer engineering..the course doesn't really matter what,i will put in lots of effort..after visiting np,me and meiyun went to eat..we decided to eat at her workplace but her stupid manager don't we went to west mall instead..we ate yusheng and a few colour plates..after that,we went je for movie..we use up the free tickets by Mr tan(: we buy the tickets for p.s i love you..the show starts at 9.15 so we still got time to play arcade..saw chenghow and his friends too..they watching ah long show at 9..we also saw the this year xiao yuan superstar agnes n guohao..they don't look very pei 9'meiyun and i went to redeem our free popcorn and also buy a cup of drink..i was suppose to take it into the cinema but i tripped while walking in..the popcorn was save but the drinks was oops..luckily that person helps us to refill..if not we wasted our $$..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
i was posted to rp biotechnology..WTF..I WANT TO APPEAL!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
i clean the freezer today and we invented 3 different japanese ice-kachang..
VALENTINE'S DAY.. this year's valentine's day was like so unromantic k..i have to work from 4,i went back home for a bath and then get change..i meet him at 6.50 at p.s..we are going to eat at my work's hard to reserve seats at other my work place is the best choice..this year,i receive a bouquet of rose..12stalks of rose bundle together..nice..ohh and today,my workplace was like so many people lahs..the queue was until the MRT station there liao..the place reserved for us was table 16(tatami seat)..we ordered yaki mori,sunshine mk,soft shell crab and four coloured plates..this cost us $50plus..after that,we planned to watch jumper but the movie start very late so we went for a walk instead..i wanted to go explanade so he suggested to take a i saw bus 36 should be able to go..stops after stops,we didn't saw the the end,it brought us all the way to mountbatten no choice..we had to go back home since we have wasted so much time on the bus..took 197 back home..we stay at 144 till 12am..and so..valentine's day has ended..
Monday, February 11, 2008
i'm off i went bugis shopping with 6plus,i meet him at grand cathay..we are going to watch "kong fu dunk" excited..JAY CHOU!!LOLS..the show was very nice..very funny and cute..if can,i hope to watch again(:
Friday, February 8, 2008
CHU ER(2nd day of chinese new year) back to work again..receive quite a number of angbao(: today got double pay but it's indeed really very tiring..
Thursday, February 7, 2008
wake up early in the morning,wash up then wait for ah gu they all to come my house..this year,ah mei got cum..
mum look cute(:
3 goldon flowers
my new year look(tube dress)
at 3pm,we take off to popo's house..
waiting for the MRT
at 4pm,we reach popo's house..went lot1 with ting.huan.zhao..we go there withdraw $$..
me in the middle of the road!!
huan huan
dat's lame!!
love this pic?
ang bao girls
4 chio bus n popo
at 10pm,mummy they all go back 1st..and for me,i want to watch TV 1st..i go back with zhao..when i reach jurong east,i saw to him for awhile then he drop off liao..he say he went for a movie with his sister..ohh,and he retain..quite surprise because his maths was always so pro..when i reach outram park,i tk bus back the bus stop,i saw pinyang with his friends..think they going back home bahs..wheni reach home,i counted my angbao then go slp..this year,angbao $ wasn't that much..sad**
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
NEW YEAR EVE EXTRA BUSY..WE ARE TURNING INTO CRAZY SUPERWOMEN.. Today mia MC..then eugene never only michelle,sheema and i had to do everything..although today we only open half day,the number of people coming was like so was even worse than 29th jan..this time only 3 people..then there were so many take away yusheng and party trays..the people coming for dinning also so damn MANY..going to die..we don't have the time to take a rest or wad lo..alot of tables haven't clear yet..then outside stil got customer waiting to dine in..the cold and hot kitchen also flood with food..two words to describe that scene "TRUELY MESSY"..
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
went to help out for the delivery thing in the morning(no pay..FREE!!)..after the delivery,i stay at the back folding boxes for the yusheng and the party set..boring** 3pm,i eat buffet with karen,ryan and ziyang..lots of fun torturing the service crews on duty(we are so evil..hahahha) 5.30pm,i get change and then get ready for work..actually very sleepy but no choice..i got to last till closing..zzz..
♡ since 25 August (:
Ello ♥
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That's Me, ﺕ
My parents name meTan Chee Chin. I came to this earth on15aug1991..My face can getRED easily, therefore some call me apple or even tomato. I'm now sweet 16 / fantastic 17 / mature 18and also attached to Johnson Lim (Johnson baby) since 04April2004. Currently still studying atSingapore poly, DCPE.
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