ok!! so I'm back too posting(: i have my last maths paper today. yes!! finally this day has come. you won't know how stress it is (lols. bluff you de. u think i so hardworking?) . overall, i can only say , "confirm fail" . structure prog still okay. DE n PEEE die! maths even worse. i study already but it does not come into my head when exams starts. arrgh.. stupid brain. OH. and and now, my class likes to play basketball other than pool. fun! but as usual, i still uses my netball shooting style and shoot. sometimes will even forget that the ball can be dribbled. i really miss playing netball with my buddies. hope we can meet up one day and play!! go back sec school also can (:
where's my girls?
Friday, June 20, 2008
how fat can i be? (ball ball face) our 3rd time taking pic in the last 4yrs plus. never really like taking pics with him. most important reason is that i'm FAT & he's THIN. and so it makes me look even fatter. AGGRGH. but overall, I'm very happy that we did take photos. if not we don't even look like couple at all. haha.. loves!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
i was supposed to send my phone for repair
bud i was too lazy(:
so later i started my revision with a friend
my classmates
IQ damn high
he was a great teacher.
he help me a lot
whenever i got QUESTIONS,
he will ANSWER.
so thanks alot..
just want say to you is that if you can,
i mean if u can lahs.
try not to tink so much.
tel me to enjoy more right.
i think you should be the one who needs more enjoyment then me!!
no more emo liao.
(meiyun also!!)
so get on with life and MOVE ONN
no more emo face from u all!!
i want all my friend to be happy and cheerful.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
i went to reborn my hair today. after that, i went to sakae sushi eat. partly, also to go there find meiyun. cos she got work today mahs. and i was drench in the rain. SUCH A HEAVY RAIN and SOOO. i'm sick nw. ohh. and my fone spoiled as well. time to change a new one(:
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
can say that there were NO CUSTOMERS
so slack.
and also, i hate to wipe tables
so stop letting me wipe the tables so many times.
today i wipe outside during noon
when it comes to closing, i wipe inside
as for the rest, they do nothing much
toughest job also i do
when will the day come that i dont need to do anything?
(but it's so impossible ,because i work for $$)
(no work , no money)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
wooooooooooo~~ i went go out!!
so damn crazy and exciting.
at 11 am, i meet up karen, ryan, sheema and ziyang.
(as usual, some was late)
we went to downtown's sakura for lunch..
so damn fun..i ate alot of SALMON SASHIMI
i guess almost 1 fish bahs.fishy in my stomach(:
we were chit chatting and also "suaning" ziyang
it is because he likes to talk CRAPS
karen always give him an LOL face.
we were chatting while eating and all of a sudden we talk about cycling
and then ryan suggested to go pulau ubin.
sound exciting right?
but it's a little random when we talk about that.
however, ziyang was so damn excited and insist in going.
the rest did not oppose that idea.
so we went to pulau ubin after that.
it was karen and i 's VIRGIN TRIP TO PULAU UBIN.
i shall not tell u how enthu we are when we reach there.
because you can see from it from the pics below (: we took more than 200pics!!
tis are just A FEW
addicted to PHOTOTAKING
therefore, we take nonstop(:
we ♥ to cycle
i'm alone!!
we just keep taking pics like nobody's business.
same here
us! and the nice view
we ♥ the SUN
we are the main characters. later on, there will be more of us(:
karen and ryan. (another fake couple)
wild boar
eeeee. y must i keep taking with him??
♥ ♥ ♥
the toilets. (so gross)
ziyang wanted to take with everyone. so "tan xin"
stop making me laugh!!
fail to jump up high
nice pic. bud we are not couple(:
do we really look like couple? no way!! LOLS
♥the sky
girls time..
we are mad!
the road is OURS
wow! so "en ai"
leaving pulau ubin.
sheema and ziyang (surprisingly that they wil hug) haha.
i thought enemies? lols
♥ this picture alot
not because of him
focus on me and the nice scenery
me and ryan
girls rocks
waiting for the boat to bring us back
on the boat back to s'pore
last shot!!
opps. haven't yet.
this is really the last group shot
i will miss u!! pulau ubin
we went to play pool after we reach s'pore. i even teach sheema how to play. lols seems so impossible lo. because i havent even reach that standard yet. i just teach her how to stand and how to hold a cue only. dat's all i know. after pool, i take 197 back home.
♡ since 25 August (:
Ello ♥
Welcome to
That's Me, ﺕ
My parents name meTan Chee Chin. I came to this earth on15aug1991..My face can getRED easily, therefore some call me apple or even tomato. I'm now sweet 16 / fantastic 17 / mature 18and also attached to Johnson Lim (Johnson baby) since 04April2004. Currently still studying atSingapore poly, DCPE.
Grant me my wish Camera New Laptop Cue Watch Wallet Longer Hair Whiter Skin, Better Complextion GOOD results More Shoes More Tees & Dresses More Bags Jay Chou's Concert University