i wasn't very happy right now !! really don't know what the fuck you want. stop treating me in this manner can??. I'm a human as well. with feelings and emotions. AND i bet you have forgot the promises you made at mount Faber. stop making me have the mind-set that i have make the wrong choices. no understanding, no planning = no future. really hate you !
now i'm in school.
having TCS make up lesson later at 3pm.
so now I'm at the library surfing net with Emilita.
and i found a very "LAME" animation.
i wil try to upload it.
i swear ! it's really funny.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
cousins rocks my world !!! ♥ lovess them . .. ... .... .....
OMG ! how long have i not been posting. too lazy to post. today, woke up late. so miss my first lesson. however, thank god that i miss it. because all of them said that it was boring. discussing on the values, strengths and weaknesses. 1st lesson for me is DE. nothing much anyway. just normal teachings. break time after that. *STARVE had " ban mian " then start GEMS. finishes around 2pm. went back home after that. boring~~
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
skip pool training once again.
had to take caare of dexter.
$50 for this nanny job.
easy money
Monday, October 27, 2008
well, no school today. so stay at home playin audition.
around 6pm, huan, jinwoon, johnson and i went to pizza hut.
yay !
4 of us order a "tom yam" set or something.
20mins later ...
NOTHING was served
so we double confirm our orders.
as what we have expected, they never send our orders
-_-" drinks was suppose to be mango surprise.
but sadly, it was sold out.
so we get to choose other drinks instead.
during the ordering, the service crew did not explain properly.
we don't understand
so another service crew came.
he said ALOT.
but the "ALOT" are ALOT DON'T HAVE !!
finally, we make up our mind by having the kiwi-lemon with aloe-vera bits
so when drinks were served, there's no aloe-vera bits.
the place so lousy.
huan and i insist in changing.
so we told the manager whether is this the drink we ordered?
he said "ya"
then we said " there's no aloe-vera in it?" "is it?"
"sorry, please hold on"
and so we waited again.
and again and again.
this is the right 1 !
with aloe vera bits (:
our 1st thing that was served was the mushroom soup.
and the time it was served is 30plus mins after we step into pizza hut.
super hungry !
after eating, jinwoon went back home.
me and huan accompany johnson go return his SCV. then went to arcade (timezone).
saw izuwan
my sec 1 & 2 classmate
we also saw someone won a psp
after playing BEN AND JERRY ICE-CREAM.
bought a banana split
niceee ♥
then back home audi. (:
Thursday, October 23, 2008
spent my night with him today.
guess what we were doing at MY HOUSE??
something tiring !
and I'm helping him with his last minute project.
1500 words essay !!
luckily i manage to help out.
if not it will be a waste of time.
at 2plus, he decided to finish the rest by his own.
so i went to bed.
jiayou ! score at least a "B"
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
we were playing pictionary !! don't really understand the game.so we end up inventing our own game. LOL. FUNNY & INTERESTING
drawn by me, kt got it. i knew it that kt will know the answer. because she loves to eat. haha
answer: drumstick
drawn by emilita. kt got it again.
answer: take off
drawn by kt. and i got it. haha.
answer: mermaid
drawn by me and i forget who got it. LOL
i draw a guy seeing a girl _____ (pervert). then some thing drip out from the mouth
answer: saliva
Monday, October 13, 2008
some how, i feel a little excited
although i have to wake up so early
1st lesson - TCS
a brand new teacher.
a Indian woman.
she's good. but i still prefer Mrs Isabella.
200words on a question.
learning report writing.
and i have chosen "why i love singapore ?"
2nd and 3rd lesson - PEEE.
one lecture and the other pratical
both teachers still the same.
as usual, BORED~~
today school ends at 5.30pm.
such a long day !
Sunday, October 12, 2008
feel like eating YOU
seeing her face really makes me feel so angry.
but however, through some stuff, we started talking.
maybe because i didn't punch my card on friday.
then max is not around.
so i have to inform her.
tomorrow is a brand new day !
i wonder how will it be like :D
Saturday, October 11, 2008
went out to bugis then far east with sheema.
bought a number of stuff today.
especially dresses.
and this dresses are not the normal ones that i normally wear.
something with lots of pattern.
I'm spent quite a lot of money today.
instead of earning, I'm spending
had to save already.
my bank account going zero.
after shopping, went back home.
johnson and chongpoh going parklane play game.
so i also tag along.
at 12, i rush to the bus stop for my last bus.
johnson they all going out.
should be go drinking
i still underage !
but anyway, i can't go also.
partly because i don't want to and also he won't want me to go.
too quiet = boring
and my dressing sense to him = OMG !
Friday, October 10, 2008
freaking angry today. SUPER DUPER BUSY ! from 12 pm all the way to 10. non stop kays. and that stupid supervisor is getting me crazy had a tiff with her. and this makes me and sheema decided to skip work tomorrow. although i know that this isn't a good thing to do. BUD I INSIST IN DOING IT. i really really hate her. arrghhhh ☠ see tomorrow how she die
P.S : to help me, please go to sakae atrium for dinner on 11oct.
' a very BIGthank you to you
Thursday, October 9, 2008
✖ worthless or priceless?✖
went to vivo with my bf today. he was wearing a shirt and his fav $300 jeans. hair spike. and a expensive shoe. handsome !! (:
12plus we played mahjong. i win $17 + $3 he win $22 + $3 mum lose $20 - $6 yiklun lose $19 + $12 the addition and subtraction is because yiklun "zha hu" again. so need to pay 5tai to everyone this time was caught by johnson. not my mum. LOL. he really very sway.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
❥PRETTY IS WHAT I AIM FOR • went out with zhao today. catch the movie "EAGLE'S EYE" a nice and exciting movie to watch although the ending is stupid. LOL after watching, huan join us for SHOPPING. i wonder how long have i not buy a tee or something. and yes! today spent a alot. because I GOT MY PAY TODAY haha. bought a number of tops and some make-up stuff. before going back home, i went to the coldstorage to buy ingredients for spaghetti. I'm cooking it for him later on. after buying, meet him at parklane. and the funniest thing of all is that he can't catch any bear for me. not because he got NO $$, is because he NO SKILL. piglet really cute' reach home, cook , eat , mahjong i win $5, he win $15. Joel and yiklun lose. finally he break the curse of losing after using his winnings to buy "xia mian" (prawn noodles) for me. eat fishball noodles before going back home.
after that, *snore........ •
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
a long way to go
FINALLY went for pool training.
today we are not learning any new stuff.
however, i had a 9ball match with a RP girl.
she looks professional.
must be someone who had train for a very long time.
this match is race to 7.
and of cause, I LOST.
but this is a good chance for me to get the experience.
the feeling was great.
it makes me have the urge to train harder.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
have you tasted love? sweet,sour,bitterorspicy?
i had my breakfast at 4pm. all thanks toJOHNSON LIM ZONG XIAN!! after "BREAKFAST" , he went to my house. we were playing audition. I'm really sucks at it. at 5.30pm , i leave my house for work. sian~~ 4.5hrs only
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
wasn't my day today.
i just feel so fed up.
and i don't know WHY !!!
♡ since 25 August (:
Ello ♥
Welcome to
That's Me, ﺕ
My parents name meTan Chee Chin. I came to this earth on15aug1991..My face can getRED easily, therefore some call me apple or even tomato. I'm now sweet 16 / fantastic 17 / mature 18and also attached to Johnson Lim (Johnson baby) since 04April2004. Currently still studying atSingapore poly, DCPE.
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