do you realise we don't get to talk to each other this few weeks?
you have changed.
And don't underestimate me.
i know you very well.
you're my "blood-tie" sister. get out of the world you are in, if you really love me as much as i love you.
i really need you back.
IMY with my tears falling
Saturday, October 17, 2009
My new fringe It makes my face even bigger =="
*And CheeYeh say i look like ah hai :x *
I NEED A PAIL.... It's not my day at all. Don't want to talk and think about it. Time to sleep. Goodnight !
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
♡ since 25 August (:
Ello ♥
Welcome to
That's Me, ﺕ
My parents name meTan Chee Chin. I came to this earth on15aug1991..My face can getRED easily, therefore some call me apple or even tomato. I'm now sweet 16 / fantastic 17 / mature 18and also attached to Johnson Lim (Johnson baby) since 04April2004. Currently still studying atSingapore poly, DCPE.
Grant me my wish Camera New Laptop Cue Watch Wallet Longer Hair Whiter Skin, Better Complextion GOOD results More Shoes More Tees & Dresses More Bags Jay Chou's Concert University